Carpentry & Bowcrafting

Carpentry & Bowcrafting


  • Bowcrafting & Fletching has been combined together into one wood-working skill under carpentry.
  • All items may be crafted utilzing tools from either profession.
    • Carpenter’s tools come in all shapes and sizes. However, no one tool provides benefits over the others. They can be bought from a Carpenter or Tinker NPC Vendor or crafted using the Tinkering skill.
    • These tools are: Dovetail Saw, Draw Knife, Froe, Hammer, Inshave, Jointing Plane, Moulding Planes, Nails, Saw, Scorp, Smoothing Plane, and now Fletching tools as well.
  • Carpenters are able to utilize artifacts to imbue their properties into weapons (both their traditional staff weapons and archery weapons) as well as shields with sufficient skill.
  • To craft items:
    • Double clicking on any of the Carpenter’s tools will display the Carpentry Menu.
    • To Change the type of wood to use:
    1. Click the “Wood” button.
    2. Select the type of wood you wish to use.
    • Note: You must have the type of wood you wish to use in your bag.
    • To Create an Item:
    1. Follow the steps above to select the type of wood you wish to make the item out of.
    2. Select the Category of the item you wish to create.
    3. Press the Arrow next to the item you wish to create.
    • Note: Clicking the scroll to the right of the item will bring up the requirements for that item.
    • To Repair an Item:
    1. Click the “Repair Item” button.
    2. When the target cursor appears, select the item you wish to repair.
  • Wood types: there are various wood types on Sanctum.
    • In increasing rarity they are: Regular, Oak, Ash, Yew and Heartwood.
    • The more rare the wood type, the more durability an item crafted with it will possess.


Bowcraft and Fletching:

  • Bowcrafting & Fletching has been combined together into one wood-working skill under carpentry.