Please Note: Unattended resource gathering here on Sanctum is strictly forbidden. Please consult our rules page for more of our rules and our resource gathering information page on our anti-unattended system. Failure to abide by our these rules will lead to your character being jailed, your resources deleted, account suspension and/or banning.
Miner Information:
- Seams of ore lie buried in the mines, mountains and caves of Atria. The skilled miner seeks out these veins to harvest ore, which can then be smelted to ingots for use in crafting items with the Blacksmithy or Tinkering skills.
- In order to mine you must use a Pickaxe or Shovel on a cave floor or mountainside tile. Ore may then be smelted by using it on a forge. Be warned – If you fail to smelt you will lose 50% of the contents of your ore pile!
Difficulty to Smelt Ore = (Player Skill – Ore Difficulty) * 4%
- Iron: difficulty = 35.0: 100% at 60
- Dull Copper: difficulty = 40.0: 100% at 65
- Shadow Iron: difficulty = 45.0: 100% at 70
- Copper: difficulty = 50.0; 100% at 75
- Bronze: difficulty = 55.0: 100% at 80
- Gold: difficulty = 60.0: 100% at 85
- Agapite: difficulty = 65.0: 100% at 90
- Verite: difficulty = 70.0: 100% at 95
- Valorite: difficulty = 75.0: 100% at 100
Lumberjack Information:
- As your skill improves, your chance of successfully harvesting wood from a given tree increases.
- The Lumberjacking skill does not give a bonus to damage with axe weapons.
- There are multiple wood resource types that can be cut and utilized by crafters. The more rare the wood, the more durability items crafted with this wood type will posses. Each requires a different skill level to harvest.
- Wood types, in increasing rarity:
- Regular
- Oak
- Ash
- Yew
- Heartwood
Fisher Information: