Author's posts

State of Sanctum: #1

Greetings! We figured it’d be an excellent idea to do periodic recaps of Sanctum’s progression, and this will be the first installment of that. We’re coming up on one week live (tomorrow), and we’ll be discussing what we have seen so far, some of the issues we are currently working on, as well as some peeks …

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Temporary Auto-Restart

For the next week or so, we will be utilizing an auto-restart method to reboot the server at precisely 9pm EST every night. We’re using this as an opportunity to monitor a timer glitch that has reappeared since BETA (which we thought was fixed). A quick alert will be displayed before the reboot and downtime …

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Sanctum is officially launched!

Sanctum was officially launched at 6pm EST. Log in and begin your journey today!

Open BETA Over, Additional Info for Launch

As Open BETA dwindles to a close, we will be closing the server at 1am EST until later tonight night for the official launch at 6pm EST. For your local time for launch, check here: http://www.timeandda…1210T18&p1=3705 We’re excited to get Sanctum online and allow you all to get started on a journey where your accomplishments …

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Sanctum Launch Announcement

  We are extraordinarily excited to announce an official launch date for Sanctum, to everyone that has been following our progress. That day will be Tuesday, December 10th at 6pm Eastern Standard Time. We will continue to keep the BETA test open for the next few days to allow further testing on any upcoming changes. …

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