Albus and Bowan

Aside from Galven, two small neutral towns have propped up in the world. They manage to avoid the conflict withinAtria largely due to having very little resources and value in the world but their citizens are content.

Albus may be reached by boat; there is a boat that regularly makes this journey from the dock camp on the northern most tip of Atria, north of Pedran.

Albus sits upon an island covered in frost and snow that few people can endure but their people find it more than hospitable. They’ve adapted to the environment and prosper removed from the conflict on the mainland.

Bowan is just a short distance from Calor to the West. Bowan, at one point seemingly having the potential to develop into a strong trade community was quickly displaced by the traders and inhabitants of the much more reknowned city of Calor.

They now manage as a small fishing town and have adopted a policy of isolationism from the rest of Atria. The only citizens of Bowan one tends to see outside of the local region are their occasional missionaries.